Why is the Flu Vaccine Important?
Ensuring you and those you care about are protected against dangerous viruses like the flu has never been more vital. By getting the flu jab, you will better safeguard both yourself and those close to you from what can be a serious and occasionally fatal illness that may require hospitalisation. Furthermore, you will be assisting in preventing pressure on the NHS that usually comes with winter. Where can I get the flu vaccine near me in Bebington? Continue reading to find out.
COVID-19 & the flu vaccine near me
It is critical to get your flu vaccination during the coronavirus pandemic because:
– Since the pandemic has weakened many people’s immune systems, they are more likely to contract the flu.
– You face the risk of becoming seriously unwell if you have both the flu and Covid-19 at the same time.
– For you to protect yourself and those closest to you, it is vital that you get both the flu and the Covid-19 vaccines.
It’s very safe to get vaccinated against the flu, even if you have already had one for Covid-19.
Who is eligible for the flu vaccine?
The following people are able to get the free flu vaccination provided by the NHS:
– People who are 50 years and above.
– Those with some types of diseases.
– Pregnant women.
– Those in long-stay residential care.
– People who are the only caretakers for an old or disabled person and earn a caregiver’s allowance due to the increased risk of disease transmission.
– People who live with a person who is prone to illnesses and infections. They include those with HIV, people looking for treatment for diseases like lupus, cancer, or rheumatoid arthritis, and people who have had organ transplants.
– Social or frontline health care workers.
Who shouldn’t have the flu vaccine near me in Bebington?
The vast majority of adults can have the flu vaccine, but it’s advised that you avoid it if you’ve previously had a severe allergic reaction to it.
You can develop a bad reaction to the flu vaccine if you have an egg allergy. This is due to the fact that many flu vaccines are made using eggs.
You might need to ask your pharmacy or doctor for a low-egg or egg-free vaccine. It’s advised to delay having the flu vaccination if you have a fever and are generally feeling under the weather.
How effective is the flu vaccine near me?
Despite the fact that a flu jab can reduce your risk of getting the virus, you still run the risk of contracting it. If you do get the flu after vaccination, it will likely be less severe and last less time.
The vaccine will also reduce your risk of spreading the virus to people who may be more at risk for serious complications. It can take the vaccine ten to fourteen days to begin to work.
How many times should you get a flu vaccination?
It is encouraged that you have an annual flu vaccine if you are older than 6 months. Since the flu vaccination is often altered based on the flu strain, it may change from year to year. For this reason, many people should receive vaccinations once a year.
Why should you get the flu vaccination?
A flu vaccine is recommended for a good number of people each year for a wide range of reasons. The right approach to ensure that you will be safe from the flu and its severe complications is to get vaccinated. The following are some advantages of having one:
– Getting your vaccination lowers the chance of getting ill from the virus, which is particularly important for people with chronic illnesses.
– Studies on individuals who contract the flu despite getting the vaccination have indicated that the severity of the virus is lessened.
– Getting the flu vaccination lowers the likelihood of being hospitalised with the virus.
– The immunisation protects expectant mothers during pregnancy and after delivery.
– It can protect children from life-threatening problems that can arise due to the virus.
– By getting a flu vaccination, you also offer those around you protection.
Is the flu vaccine near me safe during pregnancy?
Yes. It’s absolutely essential to get your flu jab while pregnant in order to protect yourself and your unborn child. It is regarded as safe during the entire pregnancy.
Are there any flu vaccine side effects?
The flu vaccine is very safe. Many of the adverse effects are minimal and only last one or two days. These side effects include:
– Slight temperature increase
– Muscle ache
– A sore arm at the site of injection; this side effect of the vaccination is more common in elderly persons
If you are allergic to eggs, make sure to mention this to your pharmacist. This is because some flu jabs contain egg; this will allow them to get you an egg-free alternative.
Contact us today for more information regarding the flu vaccine near you in Bebington.
Contact Us Private Flu Vaccination
This blog post was written on behalf of The Pharmacy Bebington by Pharmacy Mentor.