
What Tests Should You do to Show Hormone Imbalance?

What Tests Should You do to Show Hormone Imbalance?

Hormonal imbalances take place when you have too little or too much of a particular hormone. It doesn’t matter how small the changes are; they can have a major impact. Keep reading to find out how to do a hormone blood test in Bebington to check your hormones.

What are hormones & why do they fluctuate?

Hormones are chemicals that act as your body’s messengers. They are generated in the endocrine glands and carry instructions to your tissues and organs through the bloodstream. Your body relies on them to carry out many major functions, such as reproduction and metabolism.

The hormones are like the recipe for a cake. Having too little or too much of a certain ingredient will affect the outcome.

In some cases, hormone levels fluctuate with age and may simply be part of natural ageing, while in other cases, your endocrine glands will get the recipe wrong and cause changes.

Symptoms of hormonal imbalance

Hormone imbalances can manifest themselves in a wide variety of ways at any age. When something feels wrong or if you don’t feel normal, talk with your doctor about your concerns. You may notice changes in blood pressure, menstrual cycle, sleep, mood, weight, or overall health.

Symptoms and risks can be different, depending on which hormones are out of balance. Examples include:

– Fatigue
– Mood changes
– Irritability
– Depression
– Poor concentration and/or memory
– Weight gain or loss
– Changes in appetite
– Low bone density and/or muscle mass
– Sensitivity to changes in temperature
– Sleeping problems
– Low sex drive
– Infertility
– Painful and/or irregular periods
– Dry or oily skin
– Hair loss
– Night sweats and/or hot flashes
– Changes in your heart rate and blood pressure

What causes hormone imbalance?

Various factors can lead to hormone imbalances. A nutritionally poor diet that is rich in refined foods, certain medications; thyroid and other endocrine gland problems; cancer treatment, diabetes, eating disorders, hormone therapy, and environmental toxins are some of these factors.

The female reproductive system is prone to hormone imbalances – polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), pregnancy, birth control pills, breastfeeding, menopause, and hysterectomy are all causes of imbalances.

Can a hormone blood test in Bebington show if I have a hormone imbalance?

A blood test is the only reliable way to determine your hormone levels since the symptoms and causes of hormonal imbalances vary so widely. You can therefore take a blood test to detect if you have a hormonal imbalance.

Testing the thyroid, oestrogen, testosterone, and cortisol hormone levels in the blood is commonly done. Diagnoses of endocrine disorders can also be made using urine tests, saliva tests, and imaging tests. As soon as your pharmacist collects a sample, they will send it to a lab for testing.

Tests for hormonal imbalances should be conducted if you’re experiencing symptoms that are persistent and unusual. In the case of hormonal imbalances or endocrine disorders, your pharmacist may refer you to an endocrinologist.

hormone blood test in Bebington

Well Woman Profile Test (A hormone blood test in Bebington)

The Well Woman Profile Check is an extensive blood test fit for women of all ages. This test determines the base levels of vital biomarkers that can be tracked for changes. It includes important blood tests to weigh overall well-being including a cholesterol check, a complete female hormone screen, full kidney and liver function analysis, blood count, a diabetes screen and vitamin D and iron levels.

Perimenopause and menopause

As one approaches menopause, your ovaries produce fewer hormones. The oestrogen level starts fluctuating, while progesterone levels decline steadily.

You may lack vaginal lubrication when your hormone levels drop. Menstrual cycles become irregular for some people and their libido decreases.

Menopause occurs when you go 12 months without a period. Oestrogen and progesterone are both at low levels at this point. Generally, this occurs when a woman reaches 50 years.  However, this is different for every woman.

You risk getting conditions like thinning bones (osteoporosis) and cardiovascular disease. This results from a reduction in hormones after menopause.

When to consult your pharmacist for a hormone blood test in Bebington

A routine wellness exam is recommended with your primary care physician or gynaecologist every year. If you have any questions, you can discuss them with your health provider.

However, if you experience unusual symptoms, don’t wait to visit a medical practitioner. Visit your pharmacist or GP immediately if you experience:

– Morning sickness or other pregnancy signs
– Low sexual desire
– Vaginal dryness or pain during intercourse
– Missed periods or increasingly irregular cycles
– Difficulty getting pregnant
– Pelvic pain
– Hair loss or growth on the face
– Post-partum depression
– Prolonged menopause signs that interfere with your life

hormone blood test in Bebington

What is the best treatment for a hormone imbalance?

There are various ways to treat hormone imbalances, depending on the condition and the practitioner. The options include medications, creams, pessaries, the pill, and hormone replacement therapy (HRT).

Synthetic hormones are usually included in HRT medications, but there are also natural alternatives.

Below are some healthy lifestyle changes you can make:

Lose weight – By losing just 10 percent of your body weight, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant and have more regular periods. Losing weight can also improve erectile function in men.
Eat well – Diet plays a significant role in general health.
Decrease vaginal discomfort – Use lubes or moisturisers free of parabens, glycerin, and petroleum.
Avoid hot flashes where possible – If you experience hot flashes frequently, identify the factors that cause them, such as cold temperatures, spicy foods, or hot beverages.
Remove unwanted hair – Hair removal cream, laser hair removal, and electrolysis are all options for removing excess facial or body hair.

Get in touch or visit us today for affordable and reliable blood tests.

– Female Hormone Profile (inc. infertility, menopause, HRT & Amenorrhea) – £79

– Well Woman Profile – £149

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This blog post was written on behalf of The Pharmacy Bebington by Pharmacy Mentor.