
HIV Self Testing Kits

hiv test kit bebington

HIV Self Testing Kits

HIV Self Testing Kits

Over 10% of people with HIV are unaware they have the infection. In some patient groups, up to 35% of patients are undiagnosed. This falls shy of the target for 90% of people living with HIV to be diagnosed. Currently, 78,900 people are diagnosed with HIV and another 10,400 are believed to be undiagnosed. If you are looking for peace of mind you can now get your own HIV Test Kit in Bebington.

Early testing means people can expect a normal life expectancy. However, in 2016 in England, 42% of adults newly diagnosed with HIV were diagnosed late.

The INSTI® HIV Self Test kits are now available for sale at The Pharmacy. They are over 99% effective and can be used as early as 21-22 days after infection. Results are available straight away following a three-step process.

What are HIV and AIDS?

HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) is a virus that attacks the immune system, the body’s defence against illness. If left untreated, HIV can lead to AIDS. HIV and AIDS can’t be cured, but the medications available today help people live normal life spans.

How to use the INSTI® HIV Self Test

The test is simple and straightforward and includes simple instructions inside the test pack. Use the lancet to prick your finger and collect a drop of blood. Add your blood into the bottle and shake. Shake and pour all three solutions into the designated area one at a time. Consult the booklet to interpret your easy to read results.

How accurate is the test?

Extensive research studies have shown that this test is extremely accurate when performed correctly. The accuracy of medical tests is typically described in terms of sensitivity (all truly positive individuals test positive) and specificity (all truly negative persons test negative). INSTI® HIV Self Test has been shown to have a sensitivity of 99.8-100% and a specificity of 99.5-99.8%

The cost of this service is £29.99

To find out more about getting an HIV Test Kit in Bebington please contact us.